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DME's Story

Experienced. Certified. Supportive.

DayMaster Enterprises (DME) was created by CEO DrB!, with the vision of an empire that would impact the world in more ways than one. As the parent company, DME cultivates multiple subsidiaries that work in fields such as education, business, social services, mental health, and more; Each is unique but connected by its community service awareness mandates. Through DME a positive impact is made in the world!

DME's Journey


Materialized in 2012! A few years later DME was incorporated by DrB! in 2019. The incorporation started the journey to a conglomerate of community focused organizations.


In 2015 DME's administrative company, Barham Associates, LLC was created and incorporated.


In 2017, Destiny Driven Ministries, Inc was created as a ministry under the umbrella of DME. This ministry was created to help others understand their destiny is greatness.


In 2018, DME opened multiple entities that were all focused on empowering others. The first to be created was the private K-12 academy, Destiny Calling Academy. Later, that year an additional five companies were created. Impact initiatives, More Than Me, Dream It Done, Vision Productions, and Purposeful Nutrition Preparers.


In 2020 the first e-commerce company FlowDifferently was created. This company served as the prototype for additional e-connected companies


Following the creation of FlowDifferently, an additional five companies were started. Monarchs King Coffee, Jayden's Drip, A Different Glow, My Mane Goals, MercheVerse. A few months later, Destiny Calling Child Care was opened. This child care was created to prepare little hearts, minds, and lives for a great destiny!

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